CSA Week 7&8

Spring is officially in full swing and more veggies are sprouting; excited for the weeks to come. Week 7 keeping the green theme going. Leafy greens are the power house vegetable, packed with nutrients and vitamins that our bodies crave. There is some definite truth to the saying "Eat your greens" more so than "An apple a... Continue Reading →

CSA Saturday 5&6

Every Saturday is like Christmas, well kinda. I love surprises and it's so fun going to pick up my veggies not knowing what I'm going to get. Week 5:  Sorrel- I've found adding this lemony herb to my salads is quite tasty. Purple Radishes- A bright pop of color to any dish. I used these... Continue Reading →

Prepping for a Reset Cleanse

What I love about Spring is it's a great time to do some cleaning. Whether that be something in your house, your environment, or your life, making way for more inviting possibilities by cleaning out the old cobwebs always feels amazing. The past few weeks I've been having some digestive upset so what better time... Continue Reading →

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