Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes

Have you ever felt stuck? Continuing to do the things that are supposed to help you get healthy, lose weight, propel your career etc. but it just doesn't seem to be working? Sometimes we think we know what to do, it worked for everyone else, why not me? Well here's a secret; you are not... Continue Reading →

CSA Saturday 3&4

So I'm one month in  to my CSA program and it has been fun experimenting and using the herbs and veggies in various recipes. Bonus week 3 I got some gorgeous fresh tulips and daffodils that I tromped through the mud and rain to cut myself, worth it! I have a lot of faux flower... Continue Reading →

CSA Saturday 1&2

This year I decided to join a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Program. I love eating vegetables but was tired of always finding the same basic staples at the grocery store. My local farmers market didn't offer much variety either. I learned about CSA programs awhile ago but never looked into signing up until now. I researched... Continue Reading →

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